Joseph Brinker

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Joey Brinker


I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of Michigan - Dearborn. I am currently a Sophomore and I am going into my third year of coding.

Joey Brinker


I hold a Junior Black Belt in karate, a testament to my dedication, discipline, and perseverance in martial arts. In high school, I was a proud member of both the varsity golf and baseball teams, where I demonstrated leadership, teamwork, and strategic thinking.

Joey Brinker

Current Life

As of now, I am part of a Software Engineering Fellowship at Headstarter. I plan to make 5 apps which incorporate AI and you can keep up with my projects on my Github. I am also an active member and helper to my families veterans organization. You can visit that here.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me with any inquires you may have!